
Fotona Afte Care Instructions

  • Fotona4D®

❖ Redness expected immediately after the session, lasting less than 24 hours.

❖ Possible superficial peeling 48 - 72 hours.

❖ Moisturize as often as needed, preferable with Aquaphor.

❖ Can apply make-up immediately after, but best to wait 24 hours.

❖ Can resume active products (Retinol/ acids/etc.) in 5 days.

Avoid sun for at least 10 days, use sunscreen whenever going out in the sun.

  • SmoothEye®

❖ Continuously apply moisturizer and SPF for at least 2 weeks.

❖ Possible superficial peeling 48 - 72 hours.

❖ Avoid make-up for 24-48 hours.

❖ Mild swelling and redness is possible for up to 48 hours.

  • Liplase®

❖ Continuously apply moisturizer (lipsmart, coconut oil, aquaphor, etc).

❖ Avoid pigmented lipstick for 3 days.

❖ Avoid spicy or extremely hot foods for 24-48 hours.

❖ Redness may occur for 5-7 days. Peeling may occur days 2-5.

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