❖ After a Medical grade chemical peel, your skin will likely be red and dry. You may also experience some itchiness, swelling, and discomfort. When the peel is finished, your skin will take a few days to peel off and reveal a fresh new layer. Typically, the peeling doesn’t start until about the third day. The intensity of the effects of your chemical peel will vary depending on the type of peel you received. The deeper the peel, the longer it will take for your skin to peel off and begin recuperating.
❖ Don’t Touch Your Face: After your chemical peel, your skin might itch. This is especially common as it starts to peel off.
Do your best to avoid touching, picking at, or scratching your face. Touching your skin in this way can lead to scarring and increase your risk of infection, breakouts, or additional irritation.
❖ Keep Your Hair Off Your Face. If your hair is hanging loosely around your face, you’re more likely to experience itchiness or general irritation. Pull your hair off your face with a headband or hair tie to keep it from aggravating your already sensitive skin.
Remember to be gentle when brushing or pulling your hair back, too. You don’t want to accidentally graze your skin with the brush or your fingers — this could increase irritation or contribute to breakouts or other issues.
❖ Moisturize Your Skin. After a chemical peel, your skin will likely be dry and sensitive. Make sure you’re moisturizing your skin regularly with a neutral, unscented cream or lotion. By keeping your skin moist, you’ll minimize itchiness and irritation and speed up the healing process. When you’re applying moisturizer, remember to be gentle. Scrubbing or rubbing it into your skin will increase irritation and could lead to scarring or other damage.
❖ Protect it with Sunscreen. Generally speaking, you should avoid sun exposure as much as possible while your skin heals from the chemical peel. If you do go outside, though, you should apply a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
Your skin is extra sensitive after a chemical peel — you need to protect it from potential sun damage.
❖ Don’t Force the Process. It may be tempting to try and help the process along by pulling off the skin or exfoliating with a scrub or textured cleansing brush. It may seem helpful to use these tools to slough your skin off faster, but it can actually make things worse.
Remember, your skin is very sensitive after a chemical peel. Picking and pulling is off limits, as is any kind of textured exfoliation product.
❖ Keep Your Skincare Routine Simple: Wash your skin with a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser / Apply an alcohol-free toner — use a spray bottle or gently pat it onto your skin (don’t use a cotton ball) / Apply an antioxidant serum (preferably one with vitamin C).